Dumbbell Alternating Seated Front Raise

The Dumbbell Alternating Seated Front Raise is a single-joint workout that targets those shoulder muscles in particular the anterior or front deltoids. The movement is performed by alternating the shoulder allowing for a brief rest on both sides while the other one is doing work, which could allow you to complete more reps in each set. The movement is typically done for moderate to higher reps, ideally, 8-12 reps per set in conjunction with an upper-body workout or shoulder-focused one.

Start position

  1. With a dumbbell in both hands, place them on the edge of the bench.
  2. Place the dumbbells on your sides.


  1. Maintaining your elbow slightly bent with your spine straight. Inhale while you move one dumbbell up and up in a semicircle movement until you’re just a bit above horizontal.
  2. Hold the position for two.
  3. Inhale while you reverse your motion and lower your arm back to the beginning position, while raising your arm opposite forward and upwards.
  4. Repeat the process, switching your arm as you raise it.

Comments and suggestions for Dumbbell Alternating Seated Front Raise

  • Keep your body still. Only your arms need to be moving. If you have to sway between your arms to lift the dumbbells, they’re too heavy.
  • It is possible to use grips that are grip that is hammer (neutral) grip like shown in the image or an incline (overhand) grip. A neutral grip is less strain on the shoulder joints. You could also begin the lift with an uninvolved grip. Then when your arm is passing your leg, you may turn it around so that it is pronated at the top of the motion. Check out the video.
  • Instead of rotating between your hands, you could naturally lift both arms at the same time.
  • The seated, alternating dumbbell rear raise excellent to build the anterior and lateral parts that make up your deltoids.

Also, check Dumbbell Seated Front Raise

Nathan Sports
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