Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl

The Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl is a workout that targets the biceps. It’s performed face-up on an inclined bench. This creates a vertical angle that helps isolate the biceps while limiting the involvement of shoulder muscles. This variation of curls is typically used for moderate to high repetitions, like 8-12 reps per arm, or more, in conjunction with the upper body or arm-focused exercise.

The Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl is to lift weights what the smize does in the model (s/o for Tyra) The biceps curl is essential. An old-fashioned.

It’s basically identical to your typical dumbbell curl, except you’re seated. Therefore, you’ll need the bench to perform one of these.

If you do it correctly This move will work your big biceps brachii muscles (those long ones located on the outer edge part of the upper arm).

Instructions for Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl

  1. Place yourself on an incline bench, with one dumbbell in each hand that is held at arm’s length. Tips: Keep the elbows close to your torso. This is your starting point.
  2. While keeping the upper arm still, move the weight to the left while tightening your biceps while you breathe out. While doing this move your hand around until the palm is in the direction of upwards. Continue to do this until your biceps are fully contracted and your dumbbells are at shoulder level. Maintain in the contract position for one second while you squeeze your biceps. Tips: Only the forearms must move.
  3. Slowly return the dumbbell to the starting position while breathing into it.
  4. Repeat the motion using your left hand. This is equal to one repetition.
  5. Continue to alternate in this manner for the recommended number of repetitions.

Additional Information

  • Longer duration of tension than double curls.
  • It adds definition and size to the biceps.
  • A bench with an incline assists in separating the biceps from the rest and forces a disciplined form.
  • Fantastic burnout on the arm day
  • A seated alternating incline bench dumbbell curls is a workout that targets the biceps. It also requires abs as well as forearms.

Alternates for Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl

Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
Nathan Sports
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