A barbell hack squats an alternative to deadlifts that are that is performed by placing the barbell behind the legs. The lifter is forced into the same body posture as the squat. It targets the glutes and quads. The exercise is named for the famous strength athlete George Hackenschmidt who used it as a general leg-building exercise. The barbell hack squat could be utilized as a replacement for the hack squat machine, or as a lower body strength and size exercise by itself.
Barbell Hack Squat can be described as one of the least appreciated and poorly executed quad-building exercises available. Sometimes referred to as the opposite deadlift and the behind-the-back bar position during the barbell hack squat creates a lot of tension on the quads, causing them to expand.
The barbell hack squat in a way targets other muscles in the leg, including the lower back and core. The majority of people don’t opt to perform the barbell hack because it is a difficult set-up and execution. But, there are many benefits to doing this exercise, including the growth of muscles and improved performance.
Instruction for Barbell Hack Squat
- Keep your body straight and steady while holding the barbell behind you at arm’s length and your feet shoulder width. Tips: A shoulder-width grip is the best one to use using your palms on your hands facing towards the back. It is possible to use wrist wraps to help you get a more secure grip. This is the starting point.
- As long as you keep your eyes forward and straight, you should squat until your legs are in line with the floor. Breathe while you slowly lower.
- By pressing mainly with the heel of your foot, and pressing the thighs, then go back to the starting position while breathing out.
- Repeat the exercise for the recommended number of repetitions.
- variations: This exercise can also be done by elevating your heels on a tiny block. This is an excellent alternative for those who aren’t sure of the ability to do the exercise in a non-slip way.
Additional Information
- Strengthens glutes, quads, and the hamstrings
- If sustaining the spine in a neutral position is difficult it is possible to perform the move executed with the bar elevated above the ground
- A great carryover for deadlift and squat
- If you are having a difficult time keeping an upright torso then elevate your feet using a slant board, or with 5lb plates.
- Don’t place your feet in the middle of shoulder width since this can make it difficult to expand your hands and increase the ROM of your lift.
- You should drive through your entire foot The goal is to have 3 points of contact the Big toe, the small toe, and the heel.
- A little forward motion of the knees and toes is acceptable as long as the knees don’t veer too far toward the outside or inward. For those with larger femurs, they must let their knees slide further forward if they wish to stay upright.
- If you find that the bar is rubbing against your hamstrings or glutes when you’re lifting it the bar, it’s because you’re shifting back to your hips. Lower the load and work to keep your knees pointing forward to focus on the quads as you stretch your legs.
- The neck position is a matter of preference also – some people prefer a neutral posture for their necks (i.e. keeping the chin in place throughout the lifting) while others prefer to work using a straight-forward gaze. Test each one to see which one is most effective for your body.
- Don’t force your knees forward overly, but ensure they’re around or slightly to the outside of the 2nd toe.