A power clean can be described as a total body exercise where the bar is lifted off the floor and then tucked into an upright position in front of the rack over the form of three phases or pulls. The bar is then received from position “power” position, with the hips elevated above a full-depth squat. The power clean can be utilized to complement Clean and Press, or the clean and jerk. It is also an effective exercise to build the strength and power of your body.
Power Clean is a powerful full-body workout performed by athletes and weightlifters to build strength and muscle. Although it was initially designed as an important Olympic weightlifting move it has since become a standard in the training regimens of team athletes as well as those who exercise CrossFit. The power clean is broken down into phases and requires a amount of skill to execute effectively.
Instruction for Power Clean
Phase 1: Starting Position
- Place your feet slightly larger than your shoulder distance apart, with your toes pointed towards the side slightly.
- Begin by squatting down and grip the bar with a tight grip that is pronated. The hands must be a little larger than shoulder width outside knees and your elbows extended fully.
- Set the bar approximately 1 inch from your shins and on top of the soles of your feet.
- It is recommended that your back be level or slightly arched, with your chest should be lifted and straight out, and your shoulder blades must be pulled back.
- Maintain the head and neck in an upright posture (in the same line as your vertebral column, not rotated or tilted) with your eyes focusing straight in the direction of. Breathe in this stage.
Phase 2: First Pull Phase
- Lift the bar off the floor by extending the knees and hips while exhaling. Tips: The upper torso should remain at that same angle. Don’t bend your waist and do not let your hips rise prior to the shoulders (this will result in putting the glutes into the air, stretching the hamstrings).
- Maintain elbows fully extended, with the head in neutral position and shoulders atop the bar.
- As the bar rises, make sure to keep it as close the shins as is possible.
Phase 3: Transition or Scoop Phase
- When the bar is positioned to pass between your knees, push your hips forward, then slightly lower your knees in order to prevent them from locking. Tips: At this point your thighs should rest against the bar.
- Keep your back flat and slightly arched. your elbows fully extended, and your head in a neutral position. Tips: You will hold your breath until you reach the next phase.
Phase 4: Second Pull Phase
- Inhale then forcefully and swiftly extend your knees and hips, and sit on your toes.
- Make sure the bar is in the closest position to your body you can. Tips: Your back should be straight with your elbows pointing to the sides, with your head should be in an upright position. Also, make sure you keep your shoulders high over the bar, and keep your arms straight as long as they can.
- When your lower body joint have been fully stretched, you can shrug the shoulders upwards quickly, without let your elbows stretch at all. Inhale throughout this part of the move.
- As your shoulders reach their highest point, flex your elbows and push your body down under the bar.
- Continue to raise your arms up as far and long as you can. Tips: Due to the intense character of this phase, your torso will remain erect as well as arched. your head will tilt to the side and your feet could fall off the floor.
Phase 5: Catch Phase
- Once your lower body is fully stretched and the bar has reached its maximum height, lift your body towards the bar and then rotate your arms in the direction of the bar.
- While flexing the hips, bend your knees and hips into an squat that is half-way.
- When your arms are under the bar, exhale and then raise your elbows until you can place your arms in a parallel position with the ground. The bar should be stacked across all of the collar bones as well as the shoulders.
- Grab the bar using an upright and straight body, a neutral head posture and flat feet. Inhale while doing this.
- Get up by extending your knees and hips until they are in an erect posture.
Phase 6: Downward Movement Phase
- Lower the bar gradually decreasing the tension in arms in order to allow an even descent of bar until the thighs. Inhale as you go through this exercise.
- While flexing the hips, flex your knees to help cushion the force of the bar onto the legs.
- Squat with elbows extended to the point that it is touching the floor.
- Begin again in Phase 1, and then repeat the amount of repetitions recommended.
Additional Information for Power Clean
- Training speed and power to improve athletic performance
- Excellent progressions to the full clean
- Ideal for enhancing the strength and power of your entire body.
- Due to its distinct movements and overall muscles Power Clean can offer a variety of benefits if it is integrated into your training routine.
- The Power Clean is acknowledged for its ability assist athletes to improve their power in addition to strength development.
Also, check Clean Pull